Children of Jordan – اطفال الاردن


Over the past few years, Jordan has taken serious steps in developing legislation and formulating child-friendly policies. All legislation has undergone periodic follow-up and adjustment in parallel with any developments that concern childhood.

In addition to being a signatory to the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Jordanian Constitution, in Article (6), guarantees the protection of children, ensuring that “The law shall protect motherhood, childhood and the old-aged; and shall avail care for the youngsters and those with disabilities and protect them against abuse and exploitation.”

Nevertheless, Jordan is still lacking a child rights law, despite the fact that the first draft of the law has been approved by the government in 1998 but has not yet seen the light.

In 2019, NCFA submitted a new child rights draft law, which will hopefully be approved soon.

Childhood-related laws or otherwise include articles thereof pertinent to protection or services:

Regulations and instructions issued under the Juvenile Law No. 32 of 2014:

  • Dispute Settlement in Juvenile Cases Regulations No. 112 for the year 2016.
  • Juvenile Aftercare Regulations No. 67 of 2016.
  • Instructions regarding the requirements and information that should be included in reports submitted by probation officers, 2015.
  • Instructions regarding the principles of applying non-custodial penalties, 2015.
  • Instructions for the enrolment of juveniles in education or training, 2015.
  • Instructions for granting leave to juveniles, 2015.
  • Instructions for the transfer of detained or sentenced juveniles, 2015.
  • Instructions for the rehabilitation programs for parents of juveniles in need of care and protection, 2015.
  • Childcare system from birth to 18 years of age regulations No. 34 for the year 1972.
  • Foster care (kafalah) instructions for the year 2013.
  • Instructions for the principles of disbursing allowance in the alternative child care program, for the year 2013.
  • Working children draft regulation.
  • Measures annexed to the dispute settlement decision in domestic violence cases No. 100 of 2019.
  • The National Team for Family Protection against Violence Regulation No. 33 of 2016.

Frameworks and strategies:

  • The National Strategy for Early Childhood Development 2000.
  • The First National Early Childhood Development Plan 2003-2007.
  • The Second National Early Childhood Development Plan 2007-2011.
  • The Jordanian National Plan of Action for Children(2004-2013).
  • The National Program for Early Childhood Development (Second Plan of Action) 2011-2015.
  • The National Framework for Family Protection against Violence (Second Edition) 2016.
  • The National Framework to Combat Child Labour 2011, the National Framework to Combat Child Labour 2020.
  • The National Strategy for Human Resources Development 2015.
  • The Multi-Sectoral National Plan of Action to End Violence against Children 2018.
  • The National Plan to Limit Marriage for those under 18 Years of Age.
  • National Protocol for the Child Mortality Review Team 2019.
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